Millimeter wave sensors are being considered for use in a variety of fields because they are less susceptible to changes in the surrounding environment and have high accuracy. However, since it requires specialized knowledge to incorporate into the system, there have been issues such as high hurdles to implementation.
SMK has recently developed our Milweb™ Application Kit or, “MAK", an evaluation kit that allows you to easily try out the usability of non-contact detection performance.
The Milweb™ sensor uses a millimeter wave radar technology to detect distance, speed, and angle utilizing an algorithm developed by SMK that processes the collected data.
MAK comes in three configurations, each with its own algorithm that comes with a set of PC applications for each algorithm, so that you can immediately try the non-contact detection features depending on the application you want to detect.
MAK24: Monitors the vital signs of dogs and cats at home or at an animal hospital
MAK24: Can also occupancy within a room
MAK60: Monitors movement, location, and density of people
MAK79: Measures velocity and distance of moving objects
Three types of frequency bands (24, 60 and 79GHz) are available tailored to your usage scenario
Since the detection method does not use a camera, it is ideal for use in private spaces
A millimeter wave sensor is less susceptible to environmental changes such as bad weather
Data is displayed on a PC via USB
GUI application is also provided