SMK Electronics Announces Consolidation of Los Angeles Regional Sales Office

Chula Vista, CA – April 1, 2016 - SMK has announced the closure of the Los Angeles regional sales office. This location has served us well, and based on SMK America Group’s future plans, consolidating into our main location is appropriate. All accounts currently maintained at this office will be transferred to our San Diego location.

SMK Electronics Corporation San Diego Office

1055 Tierra del Rey
Suite H
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Phone: 61-216-6400


About SMK Electronics

SMK Corporation established in 1925 with its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan is the largest manufacturer of remote control units in the world and is uniquely focused on the cost effective production of IR & RF based remote control solutions with an extensive product offering including: unparalleled engineering, R&D and design services. SMK also produces a wide variety of electronic components used by major OEM’s in the fields of communications, information, audio-visual, car electronics and home electronics.


SMK Electronics Corp., U.S.A., headquartered in Chula Vista, California, provides real solutions ranging from standard products to fully customized products with local manufacturing facilities in their NAFTA certified facilities in Tijuana, Mexico.  

SMK America